Priyanka Masi's Gifts

Priyanka deserves a special page for all her thoughtful and creative gifts. This is dedicated to Priyanka Masi and Gaurav Uncle!!

First time knitting is praise worthy! Look at those cute dolphin buttons!

Pea in the pod outfit. Masi made sure I didn't miss the just bygone Halloween!
The oh-so-cool lehenga-choli by my cutest maasi

Monthly birthday gifts:
(Click on the picture to view full screen)

Month 1: Hello Kitty!!!

Month 2: Musical Mobile

Month 3: Rattles

Month 4: Ducky toy 

Month 5: Rolling ball rattle


Month 6: Teethers

Month 7: Stacking cups 

Month 8: Fire-truck


Month 9: Super-power Row-boat


Month 10: Stacking cups

Month 11: Indoor swimming pool (This time with my own Priyanka Maasi...YaYYYYYYYY)