Mar 4, 2013

Merry musings...

Note from Amma: Since I did not want to delay long this time, we are back with a post earlier than you'd have expected! 

January was a month full of little surprises, as Amma and Appa had lovely plans for almost every weekend. We celebrated Pongal, my cousin Krish visited us, went to the Discovery Museum in San Jose, and we had soooooooooooo much fun, and we also visited the fire-station at Tarun's birthday - I know the fire-drill the fire-fighter uncle taught us so well. I love repeating - When your house is on fire, Get Down-Get Low-Get Out!! 

So fun piggy-backing on my cousin!

What's he up to now??!!!!

Totally intrigued...

Amma helping me row a boat

Row row row a boat!

I totally loved hanging by the ambulance. This bed seems sturdy!

So cool, I love squeezing and oozing of colors!

Having fun rolling around packaging-tape tunnel

 Trip to the fire-station at Tarun's birthday - soooo fun!!

Tarun's worried look says it all - I grabbed a big bite to lick!