Jun 28, 2012

Say it my way!

Sana got a boo-boo!!

Amma will post my babbling video soon (and this time soon will come soon!) so stay tuned!

Here's how I say it!
Amma                     Amma
Appa                     Appa
Paati                   Paaa-thi
Thatha                   Thaath-tha
Mama                     Mumma
Mami                     Maa-Ni
Baby                     Beby
Ashish                   Achish
Ani                     Ani
Yash                     Ash
Arun                     Ayun
Ashwini                 Achi
Tarun                   Ta-tun
Tvisha                   Tee-sha
Chitthi                 Chitti
Chittappa               Chittha
Sana                     Nanna
Maasi                   Maashi
Naani                   Naani
Aunty                   Anti
Prem                     Pem
Bama                      BA-MA (loud and clear!)
Ummachi (baby talk for God) Ammaashi
Doctor                   Doctow
Suresh Suesh
Vahini Nanini
Shweta Cheta
Swamini Tam-ni-ni
Swarna Sorna
Jamie Jamie
Christian Krishna!
Shalini Taani
Prakash Pakaach
Monkey                   Mahnki
Dog                     Daw
Elephant                 Ele                                       
Ostrich Ostich
Billi                   Billi
Owl                     Owl
Sleepy sheep(my favorite book) Peep-peesh
Body parts:
Nose                     Mosh
Eyes                     Eyesh
Mouth                   Mow
Hand                     And
Toes                      Tosh
Cheeks Cheeksh
Hair Air
Teeth                   Tith
Juice                   Joussss
Apple                   App-pul
Cracker                 Caa-ker
Doll                     Daw
Dosai                   Dosse
Spoon                   Poo
Bread                   Bed
Yogurt Yoggurt
Cheese Cheesh
Food Mum-mum
Plate Pate
Milk                     Dhu-dhu/Paal
Gajanana Shri Ganraya   Ga-ga-ga
Up above the world so hi Up-aba-the-ho-ho-high
Happy birthday to you   Appy ba-aeh too-oo
Ashes ashes we all fall down Ashes Ashes aw-aw dowwwn
Bolo Mere Sang Hands up in the air & Jai Hind!!!
Krishna Nee Begane....   (Will complete the song with) Baa-bo
Everyday items and misc:
Book                     Boo
Brush                   Brush
Paste                   Paste
Watch                   Autch
Glasses                 Glashesh
Ink                     Gink
Clip                     Pic!
Please                   Peesh
Thank-you               Than-thoo
Bye-bye                 Ba-bye
Car                     Caah
Close                   Cosh
Shoes                   Shuss
Socks                   Thawks

May 14, 2012

Thoughtful moments!!

Post from Amma:

Here's what my darling daughter made for Mother's Day (with Uncle Khawoosh and Aunty Parvin's help!) at her daycare. On Mother's day, I was showered with kisses all over my face, thanks to darling Appa and his spell on Sana! Could not have asked for more thoughtful gifts!!

Post from Sahana:

Dear friends and family,

I turned 1.5 years old last week and entered the 'little girl' stage of life!! Amma is going to start a new page on something new...stay tuned!

Here are a couple of videos of my birthday celebrations with Paati, Appa and Amma.


Apr 10, 2012

My people!!! I am very excited to tell you all stories from our recent trip! Amma, Appa and I went to Costa Rica and I had many a new encounter and little experience that I'd love to share with you all. 

Little birdie:
Every morning, we would go down to the hotel's open garden restaurant for breakfast and I would enjoy looking at fish, touching butterflies, smelling flowers and playing with birds. One day, just as Amma and I were entering the restaurant area, a little birdie that Amma called a 'humming bird' flew straight to a glass window and came crashing to the ground. I was right there walking in when this happened. I could not get my mind away from the little birdie that lay there gasping for breath. While we all thought it will not wake up, someone came and lifted it a bit and it flew right away!! Yayy, I was glad the birdie was not hurt and would come back and play with me again!

I was excited to be traveling around Costa Rica and did not really care to eat food. But the one thing I decided to indulge in were the tropical smoothies. Like my Mala Paati, I love juices and loved sipping the yummy fluids! Fruit punch (a blend of fresh tropical fruit juices) was my top choice, followed by watermelon and mango smoothies.

Amma had taught me to say 'Hi' to anyone that appeared in front of me, so I would say 'Hi' to everyone and they would say it right back to me. Interestingly some of them would reply and say 'Ola', so I learned that I had to customize the greeting and say Ola to some people. Appa says he will learn Spanish from me some day, yay! 

I took keen interest in spider monkeys, but more interesting was the fact that they would only play with me and move wherever I went. There were many other people in the jungle tour that tried to take pictures of the monkeys, but they would constantly follow me. I think Appa is right in calling me a 'little monkey' after all ;-)

Soak time:
Would you believe if I said I soaked in hot springs for almost seven hours? Yes, we got in and out of the 14 different hot springs, but all in all I was in the water for over six hours and loved it!

Big brother/Anna:
We met with another Indian family at the resort. Their son, Govind soon became my 'Anna'. Anna was really sweet and played with me one evening and let Amma and Appa peacefully chat up with Nandita Aunty and Harish Uncle. We met again for a nice dinner, and my new Anna let me play games on his iphone!

Amma, Appa and I went to this pizza/sub takeout place located close to our resort. There was a girl named Alexis that was about 2 years older than me. I'll call her Lexi. The aunty that made the subs for us took a long time to make it, so in the interim Lexi and I played while Amma chatted up with Lexi's mom. Apparently, Lexi's mom left the United States and came to Costa Rica when Lexi was in her tummy. Amma and Aunty talked for a long time and Amma even bought jewelery that Lexi's mom had made herself.  She used to be a jewelery designer in New York, but left all that to live a life for Lexi and herself and decided Costa Rica was the place. Everyone in the area helps her out with doctors' fees and small loans for the little shop. Amma calls Lexi's mom brave and inspiring.

Flight journey and nice lady:
Who ever likes flight travel!?! I sure did not like it, but did not mind it as much as Appa and Amma. As Amma was trying hard to get me to nap, and I had decided to play rather than nap, this nice lady sitting in front of us turned around and asked Amma if she could talk to me. Pat came a big nod from Amma. She had magic in her voice and touch, for I slept within seconds!! Then Amma, Appa and the lady chatted until we actually landed! Her oldest kids (2 of them) were biological while the youngest was adopted from China. She and her husband are both practising lawyers that travel around the world on long-term assignments. She had a lot of interesting stories that kept both Appa and Amma entertained and less troubled from the long flight journey!

Note from Amma:
We meet so many interesting people, characters and beings and forget them along the way in our busy lives. This was a little attempt to remember those people and moments that helped make this trip so special.

Feb 16, 2012

Belated wishes...

for a Happy Valentine's Day and even late Indian Republic Day!!!

Here's what Amma-Appa got for me this Valentine's but we were late in opening the gift so I enjoyed it the day after. At first I didn't quite 'get' it, but later my daddy dearest showed me what to do, and ho ho ho, there was no stopping me after that! I fell in love with the crawl tunnel, and refused to go to bed without playing in it for one-last-time for the day!!! Amma recorded it and posted a video. Here it is:

Here are a couple of pictures from Republic Day - January 26. Thatha got me this Neta (politician) outfit from Rajasthan! On the picture to your right, I was folding my hands to say 'Namaste' but Amma clicked the camera too soon! In any case, 'Jai Hind'!!!


Jan 25, 2012

Then and now...

Hi there!!

I love walking!! It is soooooo cool!! See how I walked back in November 2011 for the first time and how I do it now and tell me what you think... :D

and now:

Jan 5, 2012

Big Sister!!!!

Last month I told you I am no longer a baby, well guess what, I am now a BIG sister as well!!!! My Deepak Chittappu and Gauri Chitti gave me a little brother on December 9 last year, and so I will now get to play with my little cute brother. Of course, I'll teach him how to be a prankster and yet be the apple of everyone's eye!!!!

Also, my Surbhi Maasi and Ashay Uncle gave me little sister "Anika" two days ago, and I could not be a happier Big Sister!!!!! Anika and I will hang out, go shopping and be great girlfriends just like mom and Surbhi Maasi!!!

Stay tuned for more updates. Ammu said she finally got some time to upload various pictures. =)